Thursday, October 30, 2008

Stoner Culture Phrases

by Lb13

Puff Puff Pass—This means take two puffs then pass it to the next guy. This is usually said when someone takes a bunch of tokes without sharing once. Usually everyone has a understanding that you take two puffs then you pass it to the right, but if someone violates that understanding someone will let him know by saying ”puff puff pass!”
Don’t Fuck Up The Rotation—Fucking up the rotation is never a good thing to do in any crowd. This usually happens when a person passing is too high to remember who’s next to get the blunt and passes it to the wrong person, at which point a good Samaritan will correct him by saying ”Don’t fuck up the rotation!”
You Touched It, You Hit It—This phrase in stoner culture means that if you touch the bong blunt pipe or joint then you MUST take a puff. This usually happens when there is a circle of pot heads standing around getting high off the same blunt joint or pipe and there is someone else standing there who doesn’t wish to smoke and he grabs the blunt to pass it to the next guy. Little does he know the next guy won’t accept it unless he takes a puff because ‘’he touched it, now he must hit it.’
I like these phrases because they were formed so everyone gets high and no one is left out. That sort of thought process is what sets potheads aside from users of hard drugs. Although these phrases are sometimes found used in reference to other recreational substances they are almost exclusively used within the stoner culture.
If you have any thoughts, opinions or other phrases feel free to post a comment.

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